This upper Roncesvalles space, code-name The Throne Room, offers many interesting opportunities for smaller public or private events, with great options for simultaneous audio and video recording. Not only is it a nicely-renovated event space with a catering-ready kitchen lounge and bathroom, but it has retained its dual technical functions for studio recording and video production.
The Throne Room – Working Configurations
- Simplest: general space use for workshops, yoga, etc including sound-friendly rehearsal space use: by individual arrangement, no access to the control room. Day/night/24h booking possibilities. Kitchen use/rules to be negotiated. Inquire about day/week/month/recurring rates.
- Recording studio: the basic rental cost of the control room, live floor and gear rental is $30/hr, minimum 10 hour day. Days or nights bookable as convenient. A fee for the session engineer will be extra. The Multibeat incentive is to secure the edit/mix/master phase of the project; relaxed, affordable recording sessions make for good final deliveries.
- Monthly rental contribution: this studio can be rented in an ongoing relationship for a set number of hours/per week. In other words, timesharing towards a studio time discount on longer projects.
- The engineer rates listed below may change based on the project, or as negotiated.
- Karl Mohr guest engineering rate at Throne Room. $50/hr.
- Karl Mohr regular sound editing etc rate. $70/hr.
- Staff Engineer #1 fun-project/supervisor rate. $30/hr.
- Staff Engineer #1 regular engineering rate. $50/hr.
- Staff Engineer #2 fun-project/supervisor rate. $30/hr.
- Staff Engineer #2 engineering rate plus studio rental (KM not present). $70/hr.
- Additional labour door person, kitchen staff, event helper. $20/hr.
- Food/drink catering for podcasts and events / special arrangement with Steamwhistle for kegs can be arranged.
- Some combo of above rental and labour can be discussed around fair pricing against client’s available budget towards interesting events and session. Quotes must always be verified in advance to be approved for booking. Deposit always required. Contracts and paperwork required for public events.

The Throne Room – The Space
- entrance: discrete and unassuming
- vestibule: 40 sq ft, for coat check and cover charge/merch table
- main space/recording floor: 750 sq ft, with acoustic treatments, can accommodate a full band, choir or ensemble. Can accommodate audio podcasts, video podcasts, live recorded concerts with small audience – 40 persons maximum safely – music video shooting and other video production. Full complement of music recording equipment such as microphones and stands, and heavy acoustic curtains for acoustic shaping. Roll-down green screen backdrop and professional lighting, cameras including GoPros for podcasting and other video productions.
- kitchen lounge: with sink and microwave
- private washroom
- extras: WiFi, air conditioning, parking very close by
- restrictions: the space is not wheelchair accessible; no-smoking facility, no open flame or smoke
- recording studio control room: 100 sq ft, features robust Pro Tools system, MCI analog tape machine, vintage recording desk, all discretely hidden during events.
- storage lockers: very large for equipment/instruments, are discretely unobtrusive during events
- furniture: includes comfortable couch, royal throne, chairs and and a few high tables, one work desk is available for podcast recording
- additional equipment and other extras: can be rented from the facility at affordable rates
The Throne Room – Instruments & Amps
- drum kit, very high quality, custom pieces
- drum kit, secondary kit, Premiere Olympic – top of the line student model
- electric/acoustic guitars and basses, various, to rent upon request
- keyboards, E-Mu E4K rack sampler in control room
- keyboards, Roland string machine, vintage glockenspiel
- amplifier, Marshall JMP 100W head / Marshall cab, 412 w Celestion speakers
- amplifier, Roland JCM 120 original, big/loud
- amplifier, Blues Deluxe reissue, features high gain mode
- bring your own bass amplifier
- amplifier, self-powered wedge, playback support doubles as bass amp
- amplifier, self-powered wedge, Traynor, small
The Throne Room – Mics & Input
- Skype system with audio patch available upon request (for podcast use, etc)
- microphone, Rode Classic 2 tube mic w/ Neumann U47 capsule and power supply, (1)
- microphone, AKG 414 ULS, (2)
- microphone, AKG 451 silver EB, (1)
- microphone, Shure SM7B w/o wind sock, (1)
- microphone, Sennheiser 421, (3)
- microphone, Sennheiser D112 kick drum mic, (1)
- microphone, Shure D9, (1)
- microphone, Shure Beta 57A, (1)
- microphone, Shure SM58, (2)
- microphone, Shure SM57, (5)
- microphone, Apex drum mic kit D4, D2, D6, (3)
- microphone, Realistic PZM, (2)
- various mic accessories, wraparound vocal recording shield
- various mic accessories, stands (8), clips, shockmounts, wind screens, pop filters (3)
- music stands, (3)
- cables, mic, extra long, various, (20)
- headphones, various, (2) headphone feeds on the recording floor
- snake, main, (16) inputs to the patch bay/interface, A/B headphone returns (2)
- snake, secondary, (8) inputs direct to the primary Neve-style preamps

The Throne Room – Preamps & EQ
- preamp/EQ, rack of (10) Neve 31105-style clones, 5 pairs each with unique boutique sound
- preamp, Focusrite ISA 428 Pre-Pack, (4) mic pres including (4) front-panel instrument inputs
- preamp, in Midas Pro 05A boutique desk, (16) board modules, most are functional
- total of (~30) preamps available to (24) or (16) recording inputs, depending on working sample rate
- convenient patch bays
The Throne Room – Computers & Processing
- computer, Apple Mac Pro G5 quad core Intel Xeon 2.4GHz w/ 16GB RAM running OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.6
- software, Pro Tools HD 8.1 including many popular plugin packs (Waves, etc)
- interface, Digidesign 192 I/O Pro Tools HD w expansion chassis, (16) in, (8) out
- interface, Digidesign 96 I/O Pro Tools HD, (8) in, (8) out
- total recording of (24) inputs at 96kHz 24bit, or (16) inputs at 192kHz 24bit
- total playback of (16) outputs, regardless of session specs
- interface, Universal Audio Apollo 16 (FireWire 800) for laptop-based interconnectivity; allows studio recording in software other than Pro Tools.
- analog tape recorder, MCI JH24, 24″, large transformer model very sought-after, currently requires repairs to be functional
- Midas Pro 05A desk may be used for analog mixing/summing
The Throne Room – Speakers & Output
- studio controller, Mackie Big Knob, allows for additional B and C monitoring, DAW input and other inputs, recording in control room with (2) individually-levelled headphone outputs
- control room monitors, Tannoy System 800s
- headphone amplifiers, multiple independent headphone feeds possible upon request
- in-ear/wireless playback, possible upon request
- PA system, playback of control room audio during events/live performances is possible
The Throne Room – Product Delivery
- delivery of final audio or video as files in the format of your choice
- CDR recorder, master CD hard copies of recordings are available upon request
- DVD authoring, event video production DVDs available upon request

The Throne Room – Modular & Flexible Space For Many Applications
In order of technical complexity, here are some additional ideas:
- meetup group, meditation space, yoga/pilates studio
- weddings, wakes, parties, networking events, corporate events
- workshop, working group, brainstorming summit
- music recording, “live off the floor”
- music recording, music production, multi-tracking, overdubs
- Source Connect dialog recording in sync, narration recording, ADR recording to picture
- audio podcast recording including Skype patch
- video podcast production including Skype patch and multi-cam and live multi-mic recording
- modest music video production in a smaller studio but with considerable green screen options, as well as live audio recording options, eg. live off the floor video and audio recording in conjunction with green screen
- live event simulcasting including professional event lighting, big screen Skype/Zoom patch, multi-cam, live multi-mic recording, 40 persons maximum
- live simulcast concert music video and audio recording with audience including live video switching, live multi-mic music recording, live mixing with video post and audio post – packaged event afterwards for guests or customers
The Throne Room – Booking Contact
Please contact: Karl Mohr, Multibeat Creative, with any questions about the space or to book a session or event.